My Pet Peeve about CBT – #2

Pet Peeve # 2: On the other hand, I am also peeved when cognitive therapy is practiced in a cookbook fashion!  Some of the popular, simplified versions of cognitive therapy make it sound superficial, like a mere set of “cheer-up” techniques or affirmations, or workbook exercises. Truth be told, CBT techniques can be applied to…
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My Pet Peeve about CBT

Actually, I have two! Pet Peeve #1: On the one hand, cognitive therapy doesn’t get the respect it deserves.  Because the basic premise is deceptively simple (i.e., how you look at things affects how you feel), the therapy is easily mis-characterized and dismissed. Particularly in New York City, where the psychoanalytic tradition still has a…
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FoodThink Decoder

FoodThink Decoder is a guide to what goes on behind the scenes in the food world around you.  I believe that if you want to empower yourself, to control your own food & weight destiny, you must understand the food environment broadly, and your own food environment in particular. When you see soda ads on…
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Got Mark Bittman?

This man gives it to you straight! If you have been reading Bittman’s columns in the New York Times over the past few years, you have seen the awakening of a food activist in real time.  He used to be more of a recipe guy, a la “How to Cook Everything,” (still a huge bestseller),…
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I took my lifelong passion for sane eating in an insane food world, and turned it into a comprehensive system that anyone can learn. FoodThink incorporates CBT principles, and gives you a great way to power-up your weight-loss plan and help you eat sanely for the long-term.