In my experience, thoughtful, dedicated therapists are always thinking about how they could be more helpful to their patients.  What insights might be useful?  How can they best help their patients make the changes they seek, understand themselves, and feel better?  I believe this is why so many of my psychodynamic colleagues – a thoughtful and dedicated group in general –  are curious about the tools that cognitive-behavioral therapy has to offer.

In my practice, I run specialized seminars and supervision groups for psychodynamic therapists who are serious about energizing their practice.  I introduce them to the basics, explain how specific CBT tools are used to target specific anxiety and panic issues, and I do hands-on skills training and case supervision.

Maybe most importantly, because of my own background, I am sensitive to the concern that cognitive-behavioral therapy may be a “shallow” form of treatment.  So I show them what differentiates “cookbook CBT” from the rich, in-depth approach to working with patients that I use in my practice.

These training sessions have turned out to be interesting, informative, and fun, and they have motivated the participants to try out some new ideas in their own practices.

To learn more about these CBT seminars, ongoing small-group supervision, or individual consultation, please click here.

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