
  • How it Started

    I’ve developed a healthy eating & weight management system called FoodThink.  It’s based on my three decades of closely following developments in nutrition and fad diets, corporate food production and marketing, and the trends towards super-sized snacks and super-sedentary lifestyles – and seeing how it has all added up to unwanted pounds on most everyone.

    From all I observed, I extrapolated a set of common-sense strategies for my own eating and weight management that made it easier to maintain my weight while still enjoying great food to the fullest.

    People have always asked my secret, and eventually I found that the best way to teach it was in my therapy practice, where I was helping people with their food and weight issues using specially tailored tools from cognitive-behavioral therapy, along with a set of important principles and practices I developed along the way.

    So FoodThink is not a therapy, not a diet, but a comprehensive system pulling together the most basic information that everyone knows – like the fact that you have to achieve the right mix of calories in & calories out – with a deep understanding of the obstacles we face in applying that.

  • How it Works

    With my FoodThink system, I help people identify both internal obstacles, those thoughts and feelings that override our good intentions when we’re trying to choose what & how much to eat, and the external obstacles, which I’m fond of calling the “toxic food environment,” that place we all live now, where what there is to eat is often super-sized, super-available, and not super-high-quality.

    So FoodThink is a thoughtful approach that gives you the framework and the tools to manage those challenges.  It turns out to be a great way to power up your weight loss plans and make lasting changes in your ways with food.

    I’m happy to weave some “FoodThinking” into your therapy, or have individual sessions focused just on tools for eating and weight management.  From time to time I also run FoodThink workshops so please sign up for my newsletter if you want to be kept up to date.

    Read my blog

Sophisticated CBT
I provide effective Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for anxiety and other issues. My approach is clinically sophisticated, so I tailor the work to help you get relief from current symptoms, but also to shift longstanding patterns and create lasting change.
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